Evgeni Noev, Violinist

Sofia Soloists Chamber Orchestra/ Violin professor at the National Music School, Sofia
I was four and a half years old when I started playing the violin. But If I wasn’t a musician, I would have been an actor.
I am a big fan of “The Godfather”, and I watch it quite often. I compare it to the Beethoven symphonies – no matter how many times you listen to them you can never get tired.I like the classic movies – I’m still watching “Scent of a woman” every time I catch it on TV, even that I know every single line. I’ve seen all Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jack Nicholson movies. I am impressed by these men and their masculinity. I am sorry I don’t look like them J. I like those kind of movies like “Cape Fear”. Probably, because I think, with the years passing by, the people start searching for the things that last, not the one hit wonders that you can find in all aspects of art – music, movies and others.
I like some contemporary songs and hits I’ve heard around my 15-years-old daughter. She is not a musician, I stopped her. A lot of my friends critisize me about that. In the moment she studies in an English language school, but she is really into theater and movies and wants to study in the Theater and Film art academy later.
I listen to rock music a lot – AC/DC, Metallica, Rammstein. If I was a rock musician I would be definitely playing the bass. I also love opera, I even listen to opera more than classical music, which is my job. Very often, late in the evening, I put on my headphones, open YouTube and play opera. I would rarely play a symphony.
I wanted to become an opera singer, like my father. I grew up in these theaters and operas. I always listen to opera in my car, people look at me quite strangely at the traffic lights.
People now can play, watch and listen to anything in their homes. I don’t know if after 20 years, people will have time to listen to live music. Film and video game music is the future, it is actually the thing that continues the symphonic music, the opera, musical tradition. Maybe all of the mentioned, as well as theater plays and poems, will transform into something, that won’t need instrumentalists and people who are with this basic understanding of playing an instrument, and have this old Mahican attitude when it comes to music performance. Who knows?