Boris Radilov - Cellist, Producer, Co-Founder of Four for Music

What I love the most about my work is the dynamic. I like that every next project or client, every new song that has to be played and recorded is a new challenge. Whether it concerns playing from a technical point of view or in terms of interpretation. Оr if I am a producer, there may be new musical instruments I haven’t even heard of before and I have to learn about them, find them, rent them and ensure the recording. Working with many, many people is something that I like as well. I am working with four, five hundred people - each has different emotions, requirements. Everything is different and that brings a dynamic. That diversity is the reason why I’m never tired of my work and every day is interesting.
They need music...
There are a lot of challenges that business faces today, maybe the biggest one is to convince people who are not working in the musical sphere that music is vital, that art in all its aspects is something that has to be present in our lives, so that it has meaning. Our life cannot only be just work, as we are robots getting up in the morning, doing certain things in a concrete hours or rest. There should be soul food in some way. And that food is coming from art. That might be the largest challenge of our world, to convince people that this is really important and they need music.
I love my instrument and it cannot be any other way
If I could be a musical instrument...I am playing a cello, and they say that violoncello is a rich instrument, because it is merely in the range of the human voice from the lowest to the highest tone. I love my instrument and it cannot be any other way, given all the years which I have spent with it. I am speaking of the cello as a breathing object, as a musician spends a lot more time with its instrument while he is playing and excelling, than with his family - kids and relatives - and perhaps that’s why each musician loves his own instrument the most. But as an egoist I would say that I’d prefer to be an orchestra, because it has everything.
Mistakes are wonderful
The biggest lesson that I want my children to learn is that everything is achievable if you are stubborn enough. When pursuing a concrete goal, you shouldn't worry that you can go wrong. The moment that you make a mistake, you learn. Mistakes are wonderful things, as they give you lessons greater than everything or everyone else.
How does happiness my daughter laughter, as if she is discovering something.
We had a concert in Paris, several years ago… and my daughter had a big dream to see the Eiffel tower, so we decided that I would take her with me with whatever I would have earned from the concert. What was the sound of happiness - when we got out of the metro station, she saw the tower and said ”Ehaaa!”.